Dating Tips for Older People Post Covid Lockdown

Dating Tips for Older People Post Covid Lockdown : No matter your age, it is always possible to meet new people, find great connections and of course, fall in love! Here are some great dating tips for older people post lockdown.

Virtual Dating

Online dating may be nothing new, but the Covid lockdown has taken virtual dating to a whole new level. Before meeting a new prospective partner, why not try having a date from home instead?

Although it may seem a little unusual at first, chatting on screen remotely can be a great way to get to know someone, without having to overcome the pandemic restrictions of staying socially distanced when meeting in person. It also means no masks, so you can enjoy eating, drinking and chatting with ease.

A virtual dinner date can be a great way to get the ball rolling, but taking a virtual cooking class, museum tour or even watching a film together online can all be fantastic ice breakers too. Sites such as offer lots of help and support while navigating this new world of online dating.

Be Selective

When dating pre-pandemic, it was possible to date a range of different people without any restrictions when meeting up in person. However, as the stakes are now so much higher and meeting in real life much more challenging, this is a great time to check in with yourself and your dating criteria.

Often we can be attracted to the same sort of partners time and again as it feels comfortable and familiar, when in reality perhaps we should be allowing ourselves to be more selective.

With dating now much more challenging, be sure to take your time before committing to going on a date. Enjoy getting to know someone virtually, swap messages, talk on the phone and of course – go on virtual dates! 2020 has been a year where many have reassessed what they want from a prospective partner, so don’t be afraid to be selective, take your time and really think about what it is your are looking for.

Be Clear

Just as the pandemic has given daters more time to get to know one another from afar, it is also a great time to be crystal clear as to what you want. This doesn’t have to mean being too upfront, but it is important to be clear about what you are looking for, without worrying what someone else may think.

After all, a relationship where you cannot freely express yourself was never going to go anywhere to begin with! Although it may feel strange to be more forthright with your hopes and dreams for the future, you may be surprised how many prospective dates respond positively to this clarified information.

Most older daters have been there, done that – and are not looking to repeat past mistakes. The more you can be clear with your standards, the more likely they are to be met. It also means if they are not, you have a built in process to filter out anyone who might be wasting your time, or whose profile just doesn’t match what you are truly after for the future.

Ask Questions

As it can now take so much longer before arranging a date in person, it is important to ask lots of questions from your virtual date. Being on the same page as early as possible is a really good idea, especially when dating online, so be inquisitive and take your time getting to know someone and asking about their life. Don’t have a checklist at the ready however, as it doesn’t want to sound like a job interview!

Instead, organically ask questions that you would like to know the answer to, as this is the only way to find out more about another person and get a sense of who they are, what they enjoy, what they have achieved and where they see their life going next. Do they have children, or grandchildren? Are they a homebody, or do they prefer adventures? Are they working, or have they put their career to one side?

All these questions can help to deepen your engagement with a person, and bring together a greater understanding of their profile and how they present themselves online.

Stay Safe

Whatever your age, staying safe when online dating is key, so always be sure to establish boundaries before meeting up in person. Pick a public place where social distancing can be done appropriately, and always tell someone when and where you are going. Maintain social distancing throughout the date and wear a mask to ensure you are both protecting each other.

Keep in touch in case any quarantine measures need to be put into place. Any date who refuses to do any of these protective measures is not truly worth your time. Good luck, and happy dating!

The article above has been contributed by Diamond Dates NI, one of Northern Ireland’s leading dating agencies, where real matchmakers work hard to find your perfect match.






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Dating Tips for Older People Post Covid Lockdown

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