Can Porn Improve Your Relationship?

Can Porn Improve Your Relationship? Porn is not good or bad. But can you use it to improve your relationship? While the best online dating sites might lead you to your life partner, they don’t prepare anyone for the effects of porn use in a monogamous relationship.

Studies on Porn Use in Relationships

The truth is, many people do engage in such content when they are in a relationship. But do they do this to improve the relationship or for selfish reasons? Studies determine that people in relationships consider the use of it for different reasons.

For instance, a sexually dissatisfied individual might opt to use sex to improve the relationship instead of communicating with their partner about their needs. Another person might genuinely look to porn to improve the relationship by finding ways to spice up their bedroom skills.

Regardless, many studies agree that in a relationship where only one partner uses sex videos, the effects might be more negative than positive. Here’s why.

  • The partner that is not privy to porn might feel betrayed since the use of it is done in secret, which equates to cheating
  • If one person is watching adult sites to avoid relationship issues, then this might further cause a strain between partners
  • The partner that’s not using porn might experience self-esteem issues once they find out their partner is used to such activity
  • Such videos can create unrealistic sexual expectations

Nevertheless, if you want to know how to improve your relationship for the future with porn, the answer lies within your preferences and those of your partner.

Ways to Improve Relationship with Porn

Considering its many negative implications, one might ask, what are ways to improve a relationship with porn? Well, think communication. Communication is the cornerstone of every successful couple.

Therefore, at the onset of your relationship, have the “talk” with your partner. This means talking about whether you should incorporate porn into your relationship or not. To improve your relationship, focus on both your needs. Here’s how.

Suppose one of you likes to watch sex videos, but the other doesn’t. In this case, the partner who likes to watch them should decide whether they can give up porn to improve their relationship with their significant other.

This might be difficult, but if you really love your partner and want it all to work, then consider letting go of your addiction. On the off chance that both of you like to watch it, then consider yourself lucky because you have nothing to worry about. But in another case, the caveat is to consider whether your partner would be comfortable with you watching it alone.

Find ways to use porn to spice up your love life. This is where you bring your fantasies to life. But remember, it is not real; it is made for entertainment. Therefore, set boundaries as needed to ensure both you and your partner are happy and satisfied with your sex life.


Opening up about your porn fetishes might be difficult. So, maybe consider learning how to communicate better first. And remember, there is no concrete reason why you cannot use porn to improve your relationship.

Always do what works best for you and your partner. After all, to each his own. And if you have tips and tricks on how porn can improve relationships, let us know in the comments below.



Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.






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