The thought of slogging away on a treadmill can seem torturous, but whether you’re trying to bulk up or cut fat, cardio workouts improve aerobic and muscular endurance. Like it or not, the right equipment at home can accelerate your results and make workouts fun again.

Cardio equipment has come a long way in the last few years. Most products these days come with personal digital screens or full graphic workout displays to help you get the most out of your workout. There is, however, one company that is taking the tech aspect of cardio equipment to the next level.

For Technogym, innovation has always been the key driver behind the company’s growth, representing a storied legacy of key solutions and technologies that Technogym has introduced into the health and wellness space.

Its MYRUN treadmill for the home is an essential piece of equipment that allows users to enter a whole new world of performance training with personalised training plans, step and stride assessment and a music playlist that matches your pace.

Designed to work with a tablet through the native MYRUN app, users can create a bespoke program that takes into account your current fitness level. Whether you’re training for your first five kilometre run or your next marathon, the MYRUN will let you know how often you need to train to achieve your performance and distance goals. There is even the option of consulting a coach.

Another piece of equipment that is a must-have in the home gym is a stability ball. More than just something to sit and bounce on, a stability ball is great for improving strength, cardio endurance and balance.

Technogym’s version is the Wellness Ball Active Sitting. Its weighted bottom prevents the ball from rolling which means users can be more controlled when tackling moves like push-ups, squats, and planks. Muscles will get more of a workout due to the ball’s slight instability. The Wellness Ball Active Sitting is also great for getting back into shape after an injury because it can reduce muscle and spinal strain during certain movements.



Another great feature of the Wellness Ball Active Sitting is the QR code attached to the ball’s washable mesh cover. By scanning the QR code, users can access exercise tutorials on their phones and tablets anywhere, anytime. The QR code also links to the users mobile or tablet calendar and informs them of when they need to take an exercise or stretch break.



Equipment aside, lighting and a view are two essential components in a home gym because of the ambiance they create. These components, teamed with the right cardio equipment will inspire you not just workout, but enjoy the overall experience.

